Hello^^ Welcome to my blog Ô.ô this blog mostly focuses on Gui Gui and Aaron Yan Ya Lun => GUILUN<33 , My OTP Taiwanese couple, and also some Kpop stars.
Monday, December 20, 2010
亞綸電台介紹鬼鬼 Aaron introduce GuiGui on radio (Eng Sub)
It's a radio interview that Aaron did! he did this interview between GSD and LB promotions.
here is the translation of what he said (credits to the uploader of the video)
I am Aaron Yan.
Today I'm going to introduce one of my good friends, which is Gui Gui Wu Ying Jie.
Well, about how I met her...
As most of you know, I spend a good time with Gui Gui during MIT filming
She is the female lead and I am the male lead in this drama
I felt that we have gone through a lot...
In MIT, it's about challenging some hurdles (means plot of the drama)...
And the same time, the feeling about each other (007&Tian Mo Xing) is also gradually build.
For me, she is a very lovely girl and sometimes unpredictable
You can see it if you look at her outfit
She loves colorful clothing and very bright color shoes.
She dolled herself up all the times
I am quite admire her because of her braveness
And she is easily...
I mean she is sensitive about her reputation, but at the same time she is kinda desperate to mingle with other people
She needs people attention. If somebody did not pay attention on her, she will start wondering if she is being ignored or pushed aside.
But this is not true
In short, she is a girl that very in need of care
Although sometimes she is unreasonable, she actually do concern about friends around her
She is tender in some way
So, I hope that we have the opportunity to work together in the future
Since her age is similar with me, so I guess she is the one in the million (among all female artist of cooperation) which looks more appropriate with me.
Therefore, if we (GuiLun) could work together again, I would like to see you guys supporting us!
其實是大家都知道 在拍霹靂mit的時候其實跟鬼鬼相處地蠻開心
其實在mit裡面有像闖關那種感覺 就是一集一集會有不同的關卡等著我們去解決
那我覺得她是非常的活潑可愛的女生 然後加上有點無理頭
她就會穿得上半身花花綠綠 再配上花花綠綠的褲子 再配一個非常鮮豔的鞋子
那我覺得敢這樣穿的人沒幾個 我覺得很佩服她就是了
其實她是一個蠻愛面子 但卻很想跟別人打成一片的女生
她很需要別人的眼光 然後平常相處的時候只要人家稍微不把眼光放在她身上她就開始感到被排擠跟冷落
那我希望將來 還有很多就是可以一起拍戲的緣分
那我覺得 如果鬼綸能夠再合體的話 希望大家可以多多支持