Friday, April 8, 2016

20160407 - GuiGui Wu Ying Jie's Ideal Type Man is Aaron Yan

Q: What is your ideal type? 
GG: My dream lover? Um… Height of 180 cm. He can have moderate weight. And what else? 
Q: Gender. 
GG: Male. Hehehe. I just want the two of us to be able to take care of each other. Take care of each other. 
Q: Who fits your standards for your ideal type? 
GG: Aaron Yan. Up to now, everyone has always been focused on us and wondering if we’re going to work together. It’s just everyone is focused on our every action. Every, single action.

This is the part where Gui Gui said that Aaron Yan is her ideal type man ^_^
OMG!! I am so high right now hahaa.... XD after all these time till now, I still love them both so dearly *cries* gosh! they should just get married already >.<